A impossible Independence

Hello readers

Last night I witnessed a independence rally marching down my street .I am to be honest suprised because i thought the city i lived in wasent to worried about it.

I was wrong I see because aproximetly 1000 catalonian people march down my street. I would like to give my appreciation for the local police for shutting down the roads before they got there so knowone would be harmed.

I was wondering how this all begun so i did a lil research on the topic and found out that in the 1700s catalonia backed the wrong side and by doing so lost all the rights including there language its between that and the fateful Civil war that happened in the late 30ies and early 40ies in which the Catalonians lost again (im sensing a pattern) because they didnt back the infamous General Fransico Franco who basically killed there language.

In summary I dont think their independence will happen (in my lifetime at least)

And as always have a chilled day from The White Viking
