Europian Country Cuisine Vol 1 Spain

Hello readers.

Today I wanted to do something a little different. So I asked a couple of you fans what they would be interested in and they decided food.

To start we shall begin with the classics


Interestingly the name is from the actual pan its cooked in from the latin patella. The origin of this amazing dish is eastern Spain, Valencia to be exact, this humble dish was invented by farmers as a lunch dish even now its considered inappropriate to eat it for dinner. Its main ingredients are Rice , Tomatoes, Snails and Onions with maybe a lil duck or rabbit when avalable. It is no doubt a great dish in my opion i ask my few fans to try it today or as soon as possible.

Patates Bravas:

Well this one is a personal favourite of mine. This dishes origen is Spain there is many types but the one ill be talking about today is the Catalonian version which consists of potatoes cut in to 1inch x 1inch blocks (2.25cm) and boiled in semi salty water for 7mins. Then you put the sause on without the sauce its not called bravas all you have then is odd shapped chips. The sauce changes from region to region. The catalonian version is made from Olive oil, red pepper, paprika , chili and vineger. You can also serve it with alioli which is a garlic based sauce .

Well thats all for today folks as always have a chilled day from the Viking
