App review Friday: Grid Guys

Hello dear readers you know what day it is its APP REVIEW FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!

Today we are going to talk about Grid Guys. A little game about having several different types of troops to battle against the other red army (aka you are the blue army) and you gain money by defeating the opposite team so every kill is money.

 So as usual as you emprove your tactics the game becomes harder as more and more units come at you so you must know the weaknesses of each unit and maximise there strengths to your advantage and with more money you have the bigger or more better equipped they are (by leveling them up)

The Tutorial is quick and easy and very helpful (one of the best in my opion) i surgest that u all should try it and help suport the devolopers ,who have made a very new almost new age chess int its simplicity and you will be imaging yourself as one of your units and there is nothing as satusfying as beating a level you have been working on for a few days you celebrate and prepare for the next level mentally.

Thank you all for the continued support of my fans and writers and everyone who has read my blog.

A special thanks to my writers Son of Loki and Freyja

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
