Famous Spaniards Vol 1

Hello dear readers,

Hernán Cortés Monroy Pizarro Altamiranomarqués del Valle de Oaxaca (Valley of Orxaca) or known famously as Cortés.

This man is famously known for topling the Aztec Empire for which he was rewarded his title (Marqués del Valle de Oarxaca) even though he ignored the wishes of the governer of cuba he managed this amazing feat of killing of a entire culture .

 He was a rogue and a famous adventurer and many pirates searched for his infamous tresure hidden somewhere in south america at one point even the king of spain was annoyed untill the tresure boats returned that is.

With less than 400 men he recruited native mercenaries to carry out his dirty work as he made his way through what is now Mexico plundering as he went funding spain for the following trips to the new world and new spain.

In my opion he is one of the few men who wasent scared of the king and done more or less what he pleased he was a genius of tactics and with the help of his ingenious and indiginous translators.

 As always folks have a chilled day from the Viking.
