Fishermans Tails

Hello dear readers,

Today we are doing something different we have a few local tales. Told by my family and friends.

The Tale of the King Catfish

One day a few years ago ,I was fishing with my friends and he got a bite but since his rod wasnt the strongest he was taking his time to reel it in so even a hour later he was struggling left and right with this midsized Carp. A few minites later we feel a jerk that almost pulled the 3 of us in and we see this massive 8 ft long Catfish with the lower half of our Carp in its jaws which it swollowed in a mouthful . It turned to us and swam away.

The Tale of the called Mossos

Before I begin this story the mossos are a type of police here in Spain.

One fine day in the middle of the night our close friends went out for the night and because of the cheap beer aroud here they got heavily drunk and one of them lost his wallet and his phone .He lost his phone because he had a fag in one hand a beer in the other so he dropped the phone. So when he got back to our house we called his number and one of the local Mossos picked up as a reward he gave the mosso a beer there by losing his wallet (what a muppet). Iv never seen a happier man then when he heard the mosso had his phone the following day  as i was walking the family dog I saw his wallet more or less right where the mosso pulled up.

The Tale of the FireWell Dog

One day more than a few years ago our fisherman friends found a dog on the main road and because they are crazy they stopped in the middle of traffic and picked him up they saw he had a collar on with a phone number written on it and the owners said they will be back in a few days. so they left the diggie tied outside beside there well while they went out for a hour. When they came back they saw the dog lead hanging in the well. They ran to the well expecting a dead dog but somehow he got out of his collar and was swiming happily at the bottom of the well. they called the fire service to save the moggie so the entire local fire service came all 5 engines and 20 men all suited and booted to save the dog.

These have been tales of the fisherman and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
