The War for Bolivian Independence (part of The independence series)

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Ok back to the war in Bolivia

Ok picture this you are a half indiginous and half spanish man working in what is now bolivia which was then called Charcas you are in the 3rd group  class socially because the class system is as follows

1st  = Peninsulares: aka anyone from spain who has moved here and is now the de facto ruling class
2nd= Criollos: people of Spanish decent aka kids who were born in south america whose parents are peninsulares
3rd= Mestizos: a mix of native and spanish (there was a lot of these because mainly the lack of spanish women)
4th the Natives: who form the biggest class

So as you toil away in your little shop in Chuquisaca thinking to yourself if u prefer that name or the newer name of Sucre. you hear a couple of criollos talking about how much they hate the rulers and spit on the floor everytime they mention it and u see before them a map and you realise that they are planning a rebellion.

You continue to listen to them argue if they should use the natives or not because they are known on flipping their loyalty on the drop of the hat but in the end they use them. Mainly because they will take control of the rural areas first and managed to hold them. The natives themselves who only wanted to remake the incan empire again (well we all know that isnt going to happen)

A few years later (between 1810 and 1824)
These same men come back to your shop and u realise that they are the leader and sub leader of the biggest repuliquetas (petty republics) so u decided to say to them i will stand beside you for independence and they told me their brothers in argentina have done it and are rushing to help us.

A few days later no other than Simon Bolivar was in your shop making his plans to liberate all of south america from spanish rule (which he does )

On one cold day in december the final battle for the independence and we one and for days after the entire city erupted in a festival that lasted 100 days
