App review friday I am your father

Hello ladies and gents of the world today we are going to talk about Duolingo a language learning app I have been using this week to improve my german and french .

 It is completely free and a really enjoyable app. You can start from a complete novice or if you know a little about the language that you want to learn about. i am enjoying it alot more than I thought I would for example it helps with pronounciacion in a quick and easy way.

Apart from that it also has varied levels of daily challenges that depend on the time you want to spend doing it each day which in my opion is the best part about it because you dont have do as much as the programe wants to you do as little or as much as you want and with the email reminders you get told that you havent done it yet. which is interesting and usefull.

Inside each program it shows you a few vocabulary words. Which at first makes you laugh because knowone would ever use that frase i rerember fondly the crab drinks milk which was  a funny suprise halfway throught the exercise.Which are not timed which is good because i doit as part of my work and im always up and down doing things so i can return to them whenever i get a second too.

All in all its a fun usefull app that if you want to learn a new language i surgest you try this one and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
