Topic of the Day no1

Today we are going to talk about movie universes

This topic has been rolling around my head today and i would like to say that it doesn't bother me which side you are on . From what i have gathered you cant rush these types of things. They should be well thought out and planned not chasing the main leader in this way aka Marvel who is miles in front of everyone else because mainly they done it successfully.

The dark universe is a odd duck because it doesn't have heroes or heroines. They depend on monsters and properties that they own . Before i saw the mommy i went back and watched the original Mommy movies with glee i think those would have fitted more seamlessly into a wider universe because of the characters themselves maybe having the brother as the main connector of them. But back to what i was saying after watching the mommy and seeing them try and sell the universe on one film as wasn't  the best idea. They should have done it gradually and have some kind of avengers esque movie team up a monster ball i suppose.

With the DC universe i think apart from Wonder woman it hasn't been that great i hope that using her as a bounce off for their team up movie which will introduce us too new characters like aqua man played by the Game of Thrones star Jason Mamoa which really turned in my opion a lame hero into something you come to watch a movie for . to be honest if justice league flops they should stop making movies and try to improve their small screen series into perfect which they almost are for example Arrow in my opion the best hero show that's on right now and because of that show 3 more came up organically making characters appear in other series seamlessly.

All in all marvel got it right and everyone is playing catch up to the Disney behemoth that is slowly buying everything.I hope you enjoyed this Topic of the Day i have been the viking and you have been awesome have a chilled day.
