Totally Tuesday

Hola all todays post is going to be a review on a series i have been binging this week aka

THE PEAKY BLINDERS series 1 to 3

This series follows a family which is basically a gang that is trying to run the horse races in Birmingham after the great war (aka the first world war) the main brother which surprisingly wasn't the first born but the second who was in the tunneling core which basically was when the enemy dug under the trench to collapse a position and their job to predict the place and listen then shoot them before they could come through.

Anyway at the very beginning we see a steampunk Birmingham a man astride a horse who brings it to a few spiritual women who blessed it and made it win the race because of it a amazing beginning to a great show lets continue apart from that amazing start it settled on a great series with many a backstory thrown in for good measure

But as there is evil there must be good aka the boys in blue the peelers the plod or what ever you call them and there leader who while still destroying the blinders he had a alliance with them to take down others which they did leading to a enjoyable ending of the first series.

With the second series it was a time when America decided to become dry for some unknown reason which as expected made mr Shelby think and started exporting whiskey from the emerald isle across the pond to make a pretty penny and we finally go down south to find out what London is like and meet my favorite character who is a leader of one of the London gangs who made me laugh because mostly he is the opposite of his stereotype even if the name is slightly.

All and all its a great series i suggest you watch it or find it im sure you will love it and if you guys and gas have any suggestions for series you would like me to have a watch please email me at

and as always have a chilled day from the viking
