Worlds most usefull inventions

Hello ladies and gents

 With the most useless series going better than expected the team thought we should do something on the other end of the scale aka the most usefull please enjoy

World's most usefull inventions

number 5

The Compass

this great invention made by the chinese somewhere in around the year 1000 is probaly the most usefull invention in guidence that was ever made before the GPS its old world quality is still used today by most armies and the scouts (aka not the special forces i mean the kids)

number 4

The Telephone 

This wonderfull invention that more or less connected the world (there was morse code before this but that was a more specified field and needed someone specifically trained for that) that was made by the famous Alexander Grayem Bell who paterned the basic device that we all use today.

number 3


the first antibiotic that killed germs but didnt kill us it was a major advancement in medicine

number 2

The wheel

A wheely good way to get around (Yes I have puns)and proably the most used shape in the world and without it we coudnt go far

Number 1

When I was deciding this I considered the internet , electricity and various other things but i finally decided on


The most usefull invention ever and thanks to it so many things have changed we went from bone and stone tools to metal ones . Even our teeth and jaw changed because we didnt need to chew so long ( we only do now because of poor cooks looking at you lot) and many other things to put simply we would have never have survived this long without it

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any requests please email me at

And as always have a chilled day from the viking
