Worlds most useless inventions part 2

hello ladies and gentleman we have the second part of the most asked for series via email we have ever had (rerember that we are always looking for a guest writer please email us at

ok back to the series

Num 5

The Plow gun


Well I have 1 question and it isnt why does it exist but simply why cant u carry a seperate gun aka in a holster or on ur back.

Num 4

The Dog sack

Well usually I can guess what its supposed to before but I think animal rights group would have banned this invention . Im sure dogs love it though.

Num 3

The Shoe umbrella

Ok well one basic defect here aka puddles

Num 2

Prepeeled bananas

Wow just wow how lazy are people that they need pre peeled bananas. Thats kinda sad.

Num 1

Well ladies and gents this is the shitest idea I have ever seen

Why would you ever want your tablet near shit because you know they will put there germy germy hands

Well thats this weeks list i hope you enjoied it and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
