App Review Friday are you feeling lucky punk

Hello ladies and gents its app review friday my favourite day im sure yours too.

Ok todays app is called Seaport.

This lil app has been interesting to play this week as i have been in a shippy mood so between playing this I have been playing other pirate style games. But unlike thoose in this one you build a base and become a trader you start off with the one ship till you earn enough money to buy more. That are better and better each time and each is names after a famous ship in history like the ones who colombus arrived in. (their names escape me please dont be harsh).

What I most enjoy about this app especially around this time of year is the xmas stuff and the ships that are themed after it with the ice sails. Which is a nice touch in my opion.

The basic idea of the game is to grow and cooperate with your neighbours.Like most games you start of with 2 or 3 different resources and as you progress with the game you get new ones to collect. So im sure you are wondering what the ships are used for well they had several different missions.

1. Expanding your map (only available by leveling up)
2. Gathering resources (from fish to coin to wood to rock to steel and the festive ones)
3. Helping famous sailors and your neighbours.#

All in all a thoughly enjoyable game that i am still enjoying as i write this ans as always have a chilled day from the White Viking
