App Review friday dont know who you are i dont know where you are but i will find you and i will kill you

HELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOO and welcome back to app review friday this week a game I just started playing this week called Hunters League : The story of weapon masters. Yes I know a long name for a app but hey it deserves it from what I can gather its a more or less a sidescroller where u control 3 heroes and there attacks on lil bad guys till you reach the end for the classic boss fight.

As I said before I havent been using this game long mainly because I havent had time but from what i have been playing its seems lke the best game i have played in a long time.

They have a few different items you pick up for compleating a quest from items that you need to to level up in form of xp to some you need to actually make your weapon to other lil bits and pieces that you need to make your warrior better like armour and trinkets.

during your quest you start of with 3 different heroes that cover the 3 basic things you expect from a game aka the quickster the brute and the healer.

The Quickerster deals range fast but little like a sword agaisnt a rock but somehow he is the metaphorical leader of the group in general

The Brute the heavy strong ass bloke who generally has no brain whatsoever but in this game he is almost compleatly a defensive person personallly its my favourite type

The Healer with the 2 other guys infront taking on the bad guys you have the steriortypical girl who can only throw grenades and heal im sick of this type because its always a woman i want more games where girls are the quickster or even the brute.

I hope you enjoyed this post and your continual support helps alot and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
