App Review Friday lubbly jubbly

Hello ladies and gents as you know its friday that means...

APP REVIEW FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Todays app is a little known app called Google+ which is a social media app rivaling the great creation of Mr Zuckerburg which is not as good in my opion. What seperates Google+ from Facebook is the way that its made and the friendlyness of the groups which are more about bringing more people together that dont know eachother and eventhough most of them are from the states which is enjoyable if you are American.

What is always enjoyable about google+ is to find the like minded people to create friends from all over the World. Me personally im proud to say i have friends from over 30 countries. Like make most platforms it has many languages represented like english , portuguese and french amognst many others.

A major part of Google+ is dating groups and funny groups which are built for all ages and i would like to say thank you for all that accepted me and made me laugh for over 2 years now. As always have a chilled day from the Viking.
