App review friday My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North ...

Grand Prix Story 2

hello ladies and gentleman i have been playing this game alot this week. I have started from the shittiest slow car and trike all the way to the best cars without paying a cent more then the cost of the app itself which is a first of this list as being the only one i payed for.

this game is alot of fun where you make racing cars for different tracks and watch them race and hopefully win with the help of new things you have researched before hand like ABS for example. Like many apps made by this company its almost worth paying for them for the name puns.

As you start you choose your name and colour just like all teams in real life. Where you meet your Secretary who i call Veronica you can call her what you want though. For which she will explain the basics. Your first vehicle is a Sedan.

All and all i think its a great game that i will redo after i write this i hope you have a chilled day.
