Famous Battles Number 2

*In a ring anouncers voice*

Ladies and Gentlemen today we have one of the most famous Air battles ever! The battle of Britain!

In this corner with over 1,900 serviceable aircraft is the empire the underdog churchills wings the English!!!!!! And in this corner with over 2,550 serviceable aircraft its the mustociod giant of antisemitism The Axis.

In total these are the countries of origin of the fighters
British Side                                                                  The Axis

 Royal Air Force                                                          Luftwaffe
 Northern Rhodesia                                                      Corpo Aereo Italiano
 Royal Canadian Air Force
 New Zealand
Belgium Belgium
 South Africa
 United States
 Southern Rhodesia

Wow thats alot of countries dont you think Steve , Yes it is Mac
Ok when did this take place Max well Steve it started in 10 July – 31 October 1940
(3 months and 3 weeks for thoose who was keeping track) It started badly for the british whoose civillian population was pummeled but the british fought back and over the continueing weeks and months they pushed the Nazis back.

544 aircrew (RAF Fighter Command),
718 (RAF Bomber Command),
280 (RAF Coastal Command) killed
422 aircrew wounded
1,744 aircraft destroyed

Loses Axis
2,585 aircrew killed and missing, 925 captured, 735 wounded
1,977 aircraft destroyed, 1,634 in combat and 343 non-combat

After over 3 months of constant fighting the british dealed the uprecut and knocked the axis outta the sky and Won for the Brittish

I hope you enjoied this post with Steve and Mac and have a chilled day from the viking.
