Topic of the day 7 Comics part 1

hello ladies and gentleman today we are going to talk about how comic books changed and helped america and its public if you are from a different country or from america itself email me at and tell me your opion about it i will respond to each and everyone.

Ok let us begin today we are as stated before talking about how different comics changed with the times and almost on a decade bases they changed who and what superheros are. Let us begin in the 40ies where all comics where anti nazi from what i can see is down too 2 major heros

Firstly we have Wonder woman which was more or less created or rebeanded as a hero for women because of the second world war where most men where gone for obvious reasons so to inspire women to replace the jobs the men had to leave to serve so was branded as women can do anything sowing the seeds of the modern feminist movement from what i can see. The other hero im talking about to do with this timeframe is captain america which from what i can see was made to do 3 things 1 raise moral 2 promote anti nazi sentiment and 3 to sell war bonds even though indirectly.

What the american society demanded at that time was heros from the comic world and the american government needed the public to want to be in the war so the comics really were a powerfull device or tool to make that happen on a national level . |Which they did in great amazement even to the government themselves , on a personal note i believe that they were just what the world needed at that moment for ages from 8 to 80.

I hop you enjoied this post if it gets more then 50 views ill turn it into a proper series and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
