Totally Tuesday part 3

IM PICKLE RICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello ladies and gents this week I have been re watching the 3rd series of Rick and Morty. A series that I have thoroughly enjoyed as well as all the secondary characters that are introduced . What I did miss is the interdimensional tv this series which is always something I look foward too , but the Morty memories thing was very enjoyable to watch

Resultat d'imatges de rick and morty season 3

On a writing stand you can tell the female writers input and stories that give us more Beth stories especially the episode of how rick made her a entire world just so she can have somewhere to play that was safe and harmless and from what i can see all she wanted was more time with her dad aka Rick.

Like all series there are stories based on films like die hard for example.

All and all it is amazing series and its gonnah be along wait till the next series so as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
