Totally Tuesday part 5

Hello ladies and gents today i have been thinking about why General Knowledge is useful and probably one of the most important things we have in our adult lives.

I say that thanks to a little knowledge about your surrounding world from maths to history to geography. I think between that and local sports which still needs a little knowledge on players, rules etcetera . I consider my self a somewhat intelligent person . Not with spelling though . If you know someone who is passionate about a subject you will really improve his or her day with knowing a little about his or her favorite thing

In schooling at least mine it isn't  generally found in the students except a few and from what i have observed they don't score the highest in the class, more likely 3rd or 4th. Why ? I dont know but thats a little odd maybe its a lack of space for memories as in bytes of storage which is a theory that i believe in.

From what i can see the general knowledge for ost men is generally with in 3 subjects which is Cars , Sport (mostly football) and the fairer sex. For Women they have a wider range of subjects. I have had the honor of meeting and talking with people from ll the over the world and the easiest way to start talking is to find Tv shows like the mega-popular Game of Thrones series which i suggest everyone learn a little about it because it will help with getting to know each other and works as a starting point.

A few subjects not to talk about or learn about for this reason is war , politics and rights because i believe that arguments will begin and it wont end well.

I hope you all enjoyed  this post as much as i did writing it and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
