What happened today in history Vol 1

As our popular series the fishermans tails has come to a close 2 weeks ago we thoguht that we need a new Saturday series so we had a meeting and thought what happened during this day in history so this is our first effort on this subject,


 1804 Napoleon Bonaparte crowns himself Emperor of France in Notre Dame Cathedral.

1863 General Braxton Bragg turns over command of the Army of Tennessee to General William Hardee at Dalton, Ga

1909 J.P. Morgan acquires majority holdings in Equitable Life Co. This is the largest concentration of bank power to date.

1946 The United States and Great Britain merge their German occupation zones

1999 UK devolves political power in Northern Ireland to the Northern Ireland Executive, the administrative branch of the North Ireland legislature.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and found it interesting ifwe get 50 views for this post we will make it into a weekly series and as always have a chilled day from the viking
