Worlds most useless inventions part 3

Hello and welcome back to Worlds most useless inventions part 3

5. Toilet Golf

well if you rerember the first week we had a shitty idea(have a look after you read this one New series) but this one takes the cake and flushes it.

4.USB Pet Rock

Well I dont really know why this exists but it does so I guess well done to the creator.

3.Hat Wig

for thoose totally awesome times you want to look like a plonker (means idiot but sorta worse than a idiot).

2.Banana Slicer

Have you ever been like me and need to cut a banana but you dont have a knife.... Its stupid and i dont like it and bleh,


Ladies and gents I give you the winner of this weeks dumbass Invention award goes toooooo Handerpants.

I hope you all enjoyed this post today and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
