Worlds most useless inventions part 5

Hello ladies and gents and others yes you know who you are sitting there on your phone I can see you... Just kidding today is monday that means its part 5 of our amazing series about useless inventions.

Num 5 Eye Drop Perfector

Ai ai ai what can we do with this thing

Num 4 Fliz Bicycle

Ok I think they wanted to emprove on the bicycle they failed badly

Num 3.Ctrl-Alt-Delete Presser

I assume this was a part of a set they was going to make to do with the most usefull combos of keys on the board.

Num. 2 Portable Tent

For the outdoor Weirdo.


I dont think I need to say anything about this do I.

I hope you laughed as much as I have with these inventions and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
