APP REVIEW FRIDAY nobody puts baby in the corner

hello ladies and gents today is another of the famous and the most watched series i have of which i am most happy so lets begin with this weeks ARF


I admit this isnt my type of game but i saw it on my constant looking for new apps which is becoming ever more difficult so i said to myself lets try somthing new so why not.

This game is pretty straightfoward you begin as all competitors do with nothing and parachute out of a plane onto what part of the map you direct your parachute too and when you land i surgest running to the nearest building and finding a gun some ammo and some protection and find somewhere high and well protected i surgest camping as the best strategy but also if you are quick minded do what the army calls wall hugginand stay near walls so you have less arc of attack agaisnt you i know this isnt helpful in the open.

If i was to surgest a good landing point i would surgest the beach huts because from my experience there is good loot and knowone goes there because they mainly go to the power plants and the factory or the airfield. with pistols get a revolver because the other ones dont have the stopping power needed but honestly most of the time the killing range is medium to long range.So get a machinegun or assault rifle for medium range. Dont bother with a shot gun it just takes up a slot. And finally with weapons for long range get the sniper and hide somewhere with alot of visability.

To do with armour its pretty simple you can find head and chest protection all over the map get the highst level you can find. Ok in my opion your main objective is get a medicpack because they are your life in this game besides that get backpacks you will need them to carry your ammo and the extras that i will tell you about now which are mainly used to emprove your aim your mag capacity or your zoom of your sight.

All and all a fun if not difficult game that i surgest you all try and if you like this post please tell your friends about us and as always have a chilled day from the viking
