hello ladies and gents its friday and you know what that is its App Review Friday and that means that i have been trying a new app out this week to see how good it is or how original it is. But before i begin i would like to say latly atleast around me i have seen alot of men pushing buggies with their kids in it and i want to give a shout out for them to them.

Ok lets begin this week its Dead 2048

(is that big enough steve i dont know mike)

Well with this game it was recomended by one of you guys who emailed me about doing this app because according to him it was a new take on a older game. For thoose who havent played a double game before it starts when you have 2 things that at valued at 2 and when u add them together u get 4 and so on and so forth .

But what this game brings in another older troop called the tower deffence game which has existed for a while now.

What is interesting and helpful are the tools at your disposal if you want to pay a little or wait and watch a 25sec vid and get some of them they all can help you out of sticky situacions and make your current try go alot longer or if you do a miss movement or somthing similar.

the furthest i have gotten so far is wave 40 so try the game beat the viking and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
