Comics part 3

Hello ladies and gents today we are talking about your friendly neighbourhood spider chicken.
just kidding but anyway this week we are talking about the man who could be defeated by a large glass and a napkin . Ok thats a further joke just get some raid. ok ok enough with the jokes lets talk about my brothers favourite hero Spider Man.

Yes ladies and gents im talking about the behind the mask who is spider man and how and who he was built for and why he exists.

Ok lets get a little history i think i can do a bit of history without the help of Steve and Mac.

(amused grunts by Steve and Mac in the background)

Spiderman first surfaced in Amazing Fantasy num 15 in 1962 (ik i wasent alive either) where he became immesly popular because he was the first hero who wasent a god or something that didnt live a normal life . He was and is special because he was the first real normal person that has a normal life outside of his hero responsability.

From what i have observed about him that he was created for the nerds of the world the misfits the outcast that even outcast can suprise you and he was human he had school problems and girl problems and normal teen problems that made him at our level .Which at the time was revolutionary and in my opion is what makes spiderman so great and a side note Stan lee put a hiphon on his name so that we woudnt confuse him with superman which makes little to no sense to me.

 In other words he is a everyday kid who thanks to certain events that most people should know his origin story if not watch the original spider man and the amazing spider man for it because as we know we are tired of watching the hero origin story that we have seen thank you homecoming for not showing another version of it that would kill it again.

I hope you have enjoied this post if so tell your friends i know someone has because the number are going up thank you to that fan and as always have a chilled day from the viking
