TV tuesday part 2

Hello ladies and gentleman since the last TV tuesday i have been getting loads of emails on what everyone belives was a influencial show on television or one that represented the times but we tallied the emails and saw that this contender was the clear winner by only a few votes.(rerember our email is ( we will count all the new emails of this week to choose next weeks post anyway on with the show


This is a personal favourite of mine that i watched alot as a kid so im happy my fans voted for this show. I cant rerember a time i didnt watch this great british show to be honest thanks to this show i watched all these types of shows with the lead in David Baker such as Porridge and Open all hors which were staples of british tv and for most there never was a happier time then watchin this show.

Lets start with the creater who unfortunity is not around anymore but id still like to thank Mr John Richard Thomas Sullivan (thank you wikipedia) who wrote this show and pushed this great show out to the world and made me a happy kid filled with laughs. 

Ok for thoose who havent heard about this show its basic premise is that Del the older brother makes money by finding and buying and then selling what ever is going cheap and sells it at the market and the pubs ands clubs of peckaham with his semi inteligent little brother Rodney and for the first seasons there grandad. Who died after a few series and was replaced with uncle albert.

In this show they tryy every hairbrained scheme to make money from catching a butter fly to renting a bus to do ethnic tours its all a constant laugh and i surgest that every should have a watch of this great show

and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
