Worlds most famous battles 7

Hello ladies and gents today we are gettin civil and i dont mean marvel im not touching that with a stick lol. Anyway let me pass you over to Mac and Steve and let them take it away. On a personal note younger fans tell your history teachers about this series because many people tell me it would be good to teach from i dont know about that but i hope it can help someone.

THE BATTLE OF THE EBRO (Spanish Civil War)

Steve: Hello and welcome to Spain circa 1938 *Artillary shell blows up a few feet away* we are in the middle of the battle of the ebro ill pass you over to Mac.

Mac: Hey guys the sides in this war are.

The Royalists
Spain Second Spanish Republic
 International Brigades

The Francos
Spain Nationalist Spain
Kingdom of Italy Aviazione Legionaria
Nazi Germany Condor Legion

Steve: Hang on arnt they the Axis forces?

Mac: Yes so shush i got to tell the people about the amount of people

Thomas:70–80 field batteries
27 anti-aircraft guns
Beevor: 150 guns
22 T-26 tanks

The SpAxis
July: 140 bombers 100 fighters
31 August: 300 guns
500 aircraft
100 tanks

Steve: hang on T-26 tanks arnt they Russian.

Mac: Yes they are i think the Russians sent them to test them out im not really sure though.

Steve: Ahhhhhh move here comes one now * Tank drives through the studio*

Mac: Run to those bushes while ill tell them about how the battle is going.

At the time of this battle the royalists were in dire straight they had to call everyperson  who  could to fight for the cause which gave them somerespite but the francos launched punches left and right and finished them off rather quickly all in all a bloody but one sided battle heres the loses.


60.000 dead
20,000 wounded
19,563 captured
80 aircraft downed
17.600 dead
30,000 wounded
5,000 captured
And with that the battle is over and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
