Worlds most useless inventions part 7

hello ladies and gents today we are doing a special that is the most succesfull useless inventions

 Big Mouth Billy Bass

You have all seen them on many a pubs wall and many mancaves too  personally I want one


Which 90ies kid didnt have a tamagotchi many a parent used them so they learn to look after learn responsability. I had several of theses lil guys.

Slap Bracelets

Personally I have never had this one but I have seen them around alot.

Yellow Smiley Faces

Which person hasent seen this popular lil smile that partly inspired the emojis.

The Slinky

Who hasent heard of the famous slinky with the amazing stair decending ability

I hope you have liked this post if so tell ur friends and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
