APP review Friday Back in Black

hello ladies and gents today we are talking about a game that i only started playing today so dont judge me to badly please this game is called


The concept of this game is basically a point and direct your robo minions to kill the enemies equivalent as well as bigger robomechs that are bigger and stronger and can take out alot of the little ones but are also weak so they are like bullies in that sense as they can give it but cant take it. 

These mechs can be upgraded by things you find after each battle to make them stronger and more armed and quicker. If you are bored of waiting for that you can buy it from the trader for normal courency and the special in game currency like 99% of the apps that exist. To make these upgrades you have to go to the armory to click them into place.

On the main page there is another seccion which is the star map where you choose which battle you will ffight next and the mini map telling you what you are facing on that level. On each level there is different types of buildings. 

You only start with a building that creates the mini bots that everytime your troops kill the red lil ones they get a core which looks like a little blue spec that will be carried back to your hib building tobe made into another little bot till you have a veritable swarm of them as well as the bigger mechs,

On the opposite side you have their equivalent of the little bots and the resoucrces rockets which i havent understood as of yet as i said before i havent played this game long so i dont know what other buildings are and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
