App Review Friday : Its a trap

Hello ladies and gents today we are talking about a new and exciting app that i have really been enjoying i hope you try it its called...


Apart from the unoriginal name it combines a few different types of games from the stick man beat um up to a gun game that as the name implies you have one gun and as most games of this types you start of with the noob gun which in this case is the water pistol which really made me smile that giant blobs and green aliens with nothing but water.

After you learn the basics which has 3 types of controls that make it even simpler to play and a variety of guns which you can unlock and buy and upgrade them using coins that drop from everything you kill. As well as that any bosses you kill will have the chance of giving you somthing like a helmet shoes or rings which all give you some kind of powerup aka more heath ,more xp , etc

Aswell as that with every level you level up you can level up your helth and if you have beaton specific level on the map you can upgrade them too. Apart from that before you start each level you are on the homescreen type of thing where you have 5 houses one makes money and upgrade tokens, the second is the shop where youbuy the next gun , the third is your house where you csn manage your inventory, 4th is the gym where you can upgrade your body  ( duhhh) and the final house is the portal to the next level.

All in all its a fun 10min game that you can spend us much time as you have i enjoyed playing this game and i will continue too . I hoped you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
