Worlds most famous battles Num 9

Hello ladies and gents this week i have been learning about this war and i thought you guys would like it because it proves what a smaller country can do to a bigger one so ill pass you over to Mac and Steve.

Winter War

Just a lil cartoon to start us off.

Steve: Welcoooooooome ladies and gentleman to todays bout in the Red corner weighing in at 425,000–760,000 soldiers , 2,514–6,541 tanks , 3,880 aircraft is the Heavyweight red Star its Stalinnnnnnn and in the blue corner weighing in at 300,000–340,000 soldiers ,32 tanks and 114 aircraft is the lean mean cold machine Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim (president of finland).

Mac: Mate you realise that the Soviets possessed more than twice as many soldiers as Finland, thirty times as many aircraft, and a hundred times as many tanks. thats a little onesided dont you think.

Steve: But the finnish have a few suprises aka Reindeer , sausage stew and a 5,1 tall farmer

Mac: Ehhh what

Steve: You shall see my friend i will start with the reindeer: You see in finland during the winter it is extremely cold so many people know how to ski and thats how the army mainly got arround finwise but the equipment pulling is rather difficult so they borrowed a few reindeer that where being used to pull wood and basically turned them into a movable machinegun nest so you could be killed by a sleighby shooting.

Steve: The sausage stew was a great idea which i will tell you about now. It consisted of a attack of Soviets (who were starving now because the fins attacked their supply lines daily) who pushed the fins back but the finnish cooks left the kitchen cart with said stew so the soviets dug into the food and that gave the fins time to regroup and kill them all aparently the Ruskis still had some sausage in their mouths when they were killed.

Steve. Finally we talk about the 5 foot 1 farmer who was called to action and still holds the record for the most kills as a sniper just him his white cape and his weapon which didnt even use any sights just the iron ones built in to disguise his breath he chewed on snow like a smart dude would. In many ways he was amazing and seemingly unkillable.

Mac: So somehow this plucky nation gave russia the Left , the Right then a final sniper uprecut to knock it out for the count wow thats amazing.

And as always have a chilled day from the viking.
