Gamed Vol 3

Hello ladies and gents i apoligise for the time that i am sending this . Anyway lets begin as promiced i have been playing the Ps4 this week and i am going to talk about a game i just recently bought old school style via Disc which is

Monster Hunter World.

With this game made by Capcom ( I mention this because before this game i have never actually played a Capcom game at all hold your gasps) Is a idea that i think many gamers have been waiting for atleast in my opion a open world game where you capture or kill made up monsters that let your imagination go wild a personal favourite is the Great Jagras.

Because i felt bad ass managing to dodge what looks like a giant bearded dragon mixed with a surfer dudes hair and the pufferfish enain ability to puff up. Anyway what i do surgest before you do any hard levels is try out various weapons i personally started with the bow and arrow but that is hard close quaters. Then i tried the Katana and was annoyed at how slow it was so i did a little research and decided on the shield and sword combo but i recomend that you all try out various weapons to start out with.

Ths game i think is difficult at least it was for me but i like a challenge and it was that a challenge is it too oldy to have a health bar on the creatures to know how many times i have to slash there faces in before i kill them and this game made me feel for thease creatures well not the Jagras they are all little annoying shits . But with the Pukei pukei mission it died in the air and fell and i dont know i guess being a monster hunter means i souldnt feel for the things i hunt, something to think about i guess.

Ok lets talk about the natural wild life. ALWAYS PICK UP HERBS AND HAVE AS MANY POTIONS AS POSSIBLE. You will need them and always be ready to run away to sharpen your blade which will feel like a battle you just arnt going to win. Use the environment to your advantage. Get mushrooms and always find ammo for your slinger because you will need it if you dont have any medium to long range weapons at your disposal.

All in all a great game that should be enjoyed and with that my fellow gamers have a chilled day from the Viking.
