Gamed Vol 4

Hello ladies and gents today we  are talking about the game thats been about for a while which is called .


Well this game hasent got a lot of coverege at least in Spain to my knowledge the premise of the game is to survive aka yes it a dino survival game that has been waited  for a while if not the last 20 years of gaming and we finally have it and im suprised that it hasent been made sooner for the gaming community.

Lets talk about the dinos first of all. It isnt all jurrassic there is mammals and reptiles and other creatures from other eras which was suprising to be honest i was expecting a trex a couple raptors and maybe a stegasaurus if i was lucky but i was definently going to the snow destination to get me a wooly mammoth because who gets to do that. Thats why i like this game.

Ok lets talking about the crafting which is if you googled ark houses is a wide project personally id make a boat as soon as so you can go arounf the original map with little threat if not you may be a little cold so kill somthing furry to make furry armour( its not called that but you know what it is ) i surgest you fins some metal quickly in rocks . which you will need a pikaxe for that and a axe for a wood but if you use a pick you will get thatch instead of wood.

Most animals have special abilities like collect rock or metal or berries and some are partically quick like the wolf or the raptor but personally for protection get as maqny Dilos as you can because they have a pack mentallity and they can take down a t rex as long as you craft a shotgun because they are really overpowered but always build near a river or a water source or get ready to build a water system which is annoying.

In many ways its a decent game i hope you liked it and have a chilled day from the Viking.
