TV Tuesday Vol 10

Hello ladies and gents today we are talking about

IZombie Series 1 to 3 

Welcome back to another TV Tuesday as requested by the fans this week i watched IZombie . Which i thoughly enjoyed to be honest. Lets start with the...


The premise of this tv programme or tv show ( your pick) is that zombies exist and instead of seeing through the human lens we see it through the zombie one aka through the hillariously named Liv Moore aka the one of the far right in the picture. Who goes to a party and somehow gets turned into a zombie via some made up drug. Thats the backgroud which is built apon on each episode.

What we see each episode is how via eating the victums brain Liv figures out how to solve the case . Because she gets visions from them which also affects her mood for hilarous results from a nerd to a dominatrix to a scientist all which are hilarious and fun to enjoy.

  • Rose McIver as Olivia "Liv" Moore (far right)
  • Malcolm Goodwin as Clive Babineaux (mid left)
  • Rahul Kohli as Ravi Chakrabarti (center left)
  • Robert Buckley as Major Lilywhite(mid right)
  • David Anders as Blaine "DeBeers" McDonough(center right)
  • Aly Michalka as Peyton Charles (far left)

I think this is a great idea for a tv show each episode can easily stand by itself and in my humble opinion are a work of art covering the entire spectrum on people from teacher to non intelligent people to scientist to meganerd. The side characters are well written aswell they dont only exist there for a special moment then pushed aside. What i am not to impressed with is that Majors gfs are all killed off very quickly.

On a lighter note lets talk about the english guy for a bit. I think hes the best actor on the show and i think he really enjoys being there ik hes the token foreign person which every show has but he seems to really fit in even with Major ( still laughing at that name) living with him they share the house well like real roomates do down to the console nerdiness.

All in all a great series of which i will never tire of i hope you have a look at it and as always have a chiled day from the viking. 
