TV Tuesday XI

Hello ladies amd gents today we are talking about the 

Walking dead Series 1-3


Yes ik thats a bit mainstream for me . Aka yes i can live outside of the Cw for a bit to see whats else there is out there.
I will only be talking about the first 3 series and my favourite characters in them and the plot lines and what i would do during such a apocoliptic time.

What i like about this series is that alot of people have wanted this type of show for a long time which in many ways why this succeeds in my humble opinion. As with every show there is always a favourite character and mine is Glen because mainly that he gets the girl and seems to have to most fun in general yes i know that he is almost killed off by the superflu or whatever that was.

Favourite dead character right now is T-dog i was waiting for the merl tdog fight for 2 seasons and to be honest he was underused. What im happy about aswell about this show is that its not scared about killing people off ik that they havent killed of the main 4 but outside of that hmmm. You might stay with us for a while. 

Glad to be dead character has got to be Carrols piece of shit husband. If any of you abuse women like that leave my blog because i dont want you here. What, especially currently , is the shows ability to bring people of all colour and creed together then kill them off. Each character is somewhat different to the rest which is a rarity.

If the zombie apocolapse happens im staying in my apartment it has hight , close to supermarkets. Never underestermate dog food in a survival situcaion and be prepared to kill .

I hope you liked this post and continue reading our content and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
