Hello Gamers and Gamets today we are talking about a new game to me in a sport that isnt really well known but from what i have played of it it seems very interesting game which is called...


Yes Gamers its a swordplay app but i think it has promice . With its simplicity and from what i can see it has alot of customerization from the helmet typo the top bottoms and weapon (for the axe lovers amongst you i looked but there isnt any) with a few colours nothing too amzing but a decent start in my opinion.

Lets talk about the game play for a bit. The way it works that you have 3 moves when you first start which are the typical light attack the heavy attack and the block. Which are the standard when you progress through the game you start unlocking other like concentracion which when its filled means that you dont need to block for a bit untill you attack and 9/10 land and win the point.

Now lets talk about the types of fights or combats or whatever you would like to call it their are several: The first that come to mind is the sword and shield mode which means (not that you have a shield) that only one can attack and one can defend and when the defender blocks it switches sides which can change very quickly which is my favourite so far. Then we have the first to 3 popints which is self explanatory.

After them there is the timed round where you get the most points possible in about 20 seconds which is well swashbuckleing in my opinion. once you have completed all of these in each city (which i will mention in a sec) you will be given the best in that town which is a first to 5 in up to 9 rounds which means that that its a point a round. I havent played this game long but i really like it, its a sport that not many people have ever tried.

Finally lets talk about the city system which is you do a few bouts till you get to the right level to take on the champion of that arena then got to the next one i hoped you really enjoyed this game and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
