Facty Facts VOL 5

Hello ladies and gents this is the latest facts that you need to know.

The Looney Toons Golden Collection DVDs have a disclaimer at the beginning given by Whoopi Goldberg explaining that the cartoons are a product of their time and contain ethnic stereotypes that have not been censored because editing them would be the same as denying the stereotypes ever existed. 

NYC beekeepers noticed their bees making red honey, which led to an investigation that ultimately exposed the city’s largest marijuana farm in the basement of a Brooklyn cherry factory.
Out of the top 30 100m sprint times, only 9 were run by athletes not associated with doping, all 9 are by Usain Bolt.

While in Sharon Springs, Theodore Roosevelt was approached by a 12-year-old girl who asked if he would like to have a badger. Expecting to humor her, he agreed, and the girl came back with a 2-week-old badger. President Roosevelt named him Josiah and he became one of the presidential pets.

When Princess Diana went to Disneyland she made her sons Harry and William wait in line just like everyone else.

Crows are one of the smartest non-primate animals on earth, with the intelligence of a 7-year-old human. They use and manipulate tools, they have a long-term memory including facial recognition, and they understand the analogy. 

Three border collies have been trained to run around a Chilean forest devastated by wildfire while wearing special backpacks that release native plant seeds. 

In 1973, the Who’s drummer Keith Moon passed out mid-show. The band continued without him for several songs before Townshend asked, “Can anyone play the drums? – I mean somebody good?” 19-year-old Scot Halpin, who had bought scalped tickets came up and played the rest of the show. 

Former NFL player James Brooks was found to be illiterate when he was unable to read court documents after admitting to not paying over $100k in child support. When the judge asked how he graduated from Auburn without being able to read, he said, “Didn’t have to go to class.” 

The UK military recruiter mistook “cryptogamist” (algae expert) for “cryptogramist” and sent Geoffrey Tandy to join the code breakers; he wasn’t so useful until captured German papers arrived water-logged; with his expertise, they salvaged them, cracked the code, and hastened the victory.

At the founding of the first McDonalds, Ray Krok and a Coca-Cola executive named Waddy Pratt entered into a “Gentleman’s Handshake” agreement that all McDonalds would offer Coca-Cola exclusively. Both companies continue to honor this agreement.

A woman has won the Lottery four times since 1993. She was outed as a Ph.D. of Statistics from Standford University and had figured out the pseudo-number generator for the distribution of the winning tickets. She won a total of $17million and has since moved to Las Vegas.

When Ready Player One was released, there was an easter egg in the book that leads readers to three challenges, including playing a new Richard Garriott game and setting a world record on a game for the Atari 2600. The winner of the challenges was awarded a vintage DeLorean

During WWI, French prostitutes with severe cases of syphilis charged higher rates than uninfected prostitutes, because soldiers infected with syphilis were removed from the front line.

A plane carrying 6,000 pounds of pot crashed in Yosemite National Park. Climbers in Yosemite Valley heard news of the crash and sparked a miniature gold rush with up to 20 people searching the frozen crash site. Much of the weed was salvaged, smoked, or sold before park rangers caught on.

I hope you learnt somthing and had a chuckle to yourself and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
