Jokey Jokes 9

Hello ladies and gents today has been a long day for me so im just chilling listening to some good tunes and finding you guys the best jokes i can. I want to say i really enjoy doing this blog for you amazing people so please send some feedback id really appreciate it drop a comment because i will answer each and every one.


I’m a big fan of whiteboards. I find them quite re-markable.


Q. Why was King Arthur’s army too tired to fight?

A. It had too many sleepless knights.


Did you hear about the semi-colon that broke the law? He was given two consecutive sentences.


-Do you think glass coffins will be a success? -Remains to be seen.


Yesterday, a clown held the door open for me. It was such a nice jester!


Tell me your fave at @theewhiteviking and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
