Jokey Jokes.

hello ladies and gents today we are having a laugh with the cornyiest jokes

1. What did the traffic light say to the car?
Don’t look! I’m about to change.

2. Why was the little strawberry crying?
His mom was in a jam.

3. What do you call a nosy pepper?
JalapeƱo business.

4. Why are frogs are so happy?
They eat whatever bugs them.

5. How do you befriend a squirrel?
Just act like a nut.

6. Have you heard about the corduroy pillow?
No? Really? It’s making headlines!

7. Why did the jaguar eat the tightrope walker?
It was craving a well-balanced meal.

8. What did the big bucket say to the smaller one?
Lookin’ a little pail there.

9. Why do chicken coups always have two doors?
With four, they’d be chicken sedans.

10. What did one hat say to the other?
You stay here. I’ll go on ahead.
