App facts

Hello ladies and gents today we are bringing you facts about Apps i hope you like it


  1. It is projected that there will be nearly 269 billion app downloads in 2017. That’s a staggering 33 apps for every man, woman and child on the planet.
  2. If you laid all of those 269 billion app icons end to end, they would stretch to the moon and back 500 times.
  3. But let’s not kid ourselves that apps are a new thing. App is, of course, short for Application, and we’ve all been forking out for applications and programs since the 70s.
  4. Some say that the first mobile phone app was the ‘Snake’ game included by Nokia on its 6110 in 1997. If you’d like to try it out, there’s an Android port available, in all its simple, monochromatic glory.
  5. Let’s bring things forward a couple of decades. Apple like to tell you that they invented the ‘app store’ – and tried to use their legion of trademark lawyers to stop others using the term. They failed.
  6. However, the App Store wasn’t even a twinkle in Steve Jobs’ eye when he launched the iPhone in 2007.
  7. Other than the Apps built into iOS, any other icons we added to our home screens were simply links to specific web pages crafted for the iPhone, a feature that survives to this day.
  8. The Apple App Store (the first of the modern smartphone app stores that we would recognise as such) was launched with iOS 2 in July 2008.
  9. And what did developers do with this new and powerful technology? They built hundreds of fart apps.
  10. Wind simulators aside, the pricing structures led to a couple of interesting phenomena, the first of which was a race to the top – The I Am Rich app was priced at $999.99 and did nothing but display a shiny gem and a positive affirmation. This ultimate statement of conspicuous consumption was actually downloaded by eight people before being pulled from the store by Apple.

Wow a grand for that app thats hillarious i hoped you enjoyed this post and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
