Hello ladies and gents today we are going to the North and i dont mean a Game of Thrones thing we are going to


Icelandic cuisine, the cuisine of Iceland, has a long history. Important parts of Icelandic cuisine are lamb, dairy, and fish, the latter due to Iceland being surrounded by ocean. Popular foods in Iceland include skyr, hangikjöt (smoked lamb), kleinur, laufabrauð, and bollur. Þorramatur is a traditional buffet served at midwinter festivals called Þorrablót; it includes a selection of traditionally cured meat and fish products served with rúgbrauð (dense dark and sweet rye bread) and brennivín (an Icelandic akvavit). The flavors of this traditional country food originates in its preservation methods; pickling in fermented whey or brine, drying, and smoking.

Modern Icelandic chefs usually emphasise the quality of available ingredients rather than age-old cooking traditions and methods. Numerous restaurants in Iceland specialise in seafood. At the annual Food and Fun chef's competition (held since 2004), competitors create innovative dishes with fresh ingredients produced in Iceland. Points of pride are the quality of the lamb meat, seafood, and (more recently) skyr. Other local ingredients include seabirds and waterfowl (including their eggs), salmon and trout, crowberry, blueberry, rhubarb, Iceland moss, wild mushrooms, wild thyme, lovage, angelica, and dried seaweed, as well as a wide array of dairy products

8 ounces of boneless lamb ribeye
1 cup red quinoa
1 tablespoon honey
2 ounces butter
3 grams five-spice powder
2 cups carrots
Season with salt and pepper

Sear lamb in hot pan on medium heat for 4 minutes on each side. Simultaneously cook the red quinoa in boiling water. Once quinoa is cooked, set aside to be combined with carrots.

Peal the carrots and put them in 1-quart of hot water until they get tender and soft. Lightly cook the carrots until they are blanched, and add salt depending on taste. Add carrots to the blender to make purée. Put 2 oz. of butter into the blender, then add 3 grams of 5-spice powder. Finish with 1 tablespoon of honey.

Place lamb on plate next to mixture of quinoa and carrots. Enjoy! 

Doesnt that look delicious i hope you all have a chilled day from the Viking
