New Series

Hello ladies and gents we have somthing new this week which is thee first chapter of one of friends new book its not titled because hes a smutz and hasnt given me didly haha but hes a great guy so i said ill do this for him so this is the first chapter of his new book i hope you like it but if you dont go reread it because you missed the brilliance of it.


Day 1

When he arose from the ashes around him he dared to see what has happened to his comrades. He sees his wife laying there dead from the burns that once freckled the room from the pyromatic launcher. That the dreaded mercenaries have used to oust me in her last breath she protected me because  , not because she had no choice but simply because she knew she was dying and wished to keep me alive to fight another day.
When he saw movement in the corner of his eye he quickly dived for his weapon that was still propped up against the wall where he left it before he went and took a leak. which he realised now was a great mistake. Not because of leaving his weapon but simply that the mercenary trackers smelt the mixture of pheromones that was circulating the once beautiful room into the ever present sunshine that filtered through the coloured glass of the old building that they were sheltering in that day.
He of name we knew not , got up of the floor and buried his soulmate who sacrificed herself for his survival and decided that he needed to move quickly because the trackers where close. He heard the cry of the trackers mutts the size of horses from the old world. They are vicious as monsters from the books of old making cerberus look like a puppy in comparison. There snarls were loud he could imagine their ice cold breath on his neck. He needed to move and quite quickly.  He collected his few belongings and put his wifes locket around his neck because he needed to find what they have been searching for the prevailing months which was the called simply The Mink.
Our hero decided that he needed to see the prevailing movement of the stars and find his bearings. He saw a old tree which was the tallest thing for miles. the trees hight was extraordinary its trunk wide enough to stop most things. Our hero climbed this tree with one of his many weapons which were made for this work they were narmy knives which were stolen of a vendor where they were made.As he ascended the top of this tree he saw the lay of the land but most importantly he saw the trackers , bit hard to miss them really. He realised he needed to rid himself  of them. As he said this the sun set behind him in a explosion of orange red and a tinge of green and he turned in for the night.

Wow this guy is going to be big i think i hoped you liked it if you have a small story you wrote send it to and i will personally read every single one. And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
