Gaming Jokes

Hello ladies and gents today we have a great post for you with some really bad jokes.

Why are cats so good at video games? Because they have nine lives! 

Why do they call it the PS4? Because there are only 4 games worth playing!

 How does Steve stay in shape? He runs around the BLOCK.

Is your Xbox 360 running? Yes? Well you better go catch it!. 

What do you get when you cross Sonic The Hedgehog and Curious George? 2 Fast 2 Curious.

 What does a guy with erectile dysfunction and the Playstation Network have in common? They both have trouble getting things back up! 

What did Steve say to the Zombie? Do you want a PIECE of me?

 What do you say when you lose a nintendo game? I want a wii-match! 

What is Sonic the Hedgehogs favorite season? Spring.

 Who's faster, Sonic the hedgehog or a Japanese bullet train? A bullet train of course, Sonic doesn't actually exist. 

What do you call a Minecraft celebration? A block party.

 Did you hear about the Minecraft movie? It's going to be a BLOCKbuster. 

Hoped you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
