Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we have a great post for you all about this great game i have been playing called


As most saturday mornings go i was searching for a game to play for the next game for my favourite series which is this how i saw this little gem. This game has many that are similar but i havent ever seen a game that story actually pulled me in which has never happened to me with a non console game. With most games of this size which i belive was 1.5 gb which sorta shuts most of the smaller phones out which isnt the best idea but soon memory will be more easily available.

Ok lets start with the class system which is slightly different then the typical 3 class system that is basically everywhere which is the Normal person the Archer and the Brute which i have talked about before many a time. This game has 4 classes which are The Swordsman the easiest to work with which is my personal favourite because they are fast but also have a bite behind it which is simple to me. 

Then we have the mage which is the diffacto long range warrior of the bunch which has long range and the odd close range attack personally i havent used it because its not my style. Thirdly is the brute class or the ax weilder or devastator or what ever you want to call it. This hero is ok but you need to be a bullet sponge because tho your attacks are devastating nut they are also slow and i mean slow as hell. Then finally we have the assassin which is a dual sworded powerfully quick warrior that is my number 2 hero at the moment.

There is alot to do on this game from going into town and getting a free spin on a big wheel to get prizes to fishing to having a bath which i havent done yet. If you want to fight the game there is several options for you from a unlockable story which is fun to a adventure mode which you will need to continue through because there you unlock everything. Apart from that there is a gold area where you need to go to get the inhouse currency there are other ways but that is the fastest way to get it.

Then you have the infinity tower which is as it sounds which is a never ending battle till death. Lets talk about the equipment that you will use that you can find anywhere which you will need to enchance or reaplace your armour just like more or less every game that exists. Also there is a little gem upgrades that you do to youtself to increase your health attack and defence among other things.

I hope you like this post and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
