Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we have a returning Jugganaut yes we are on APP REVIEW FRIDAY and we will be talking about a awesome game


I want to say we are going back to basics all of this is my words because its my blog so i'm in charge lets begin.

Ok first things first lets talk about the size of the game because you will need a decent chunk of space as apps go in the 1 to 2gb range latly which in my opinion will only increase just like console games have and will. When i first started this game i was craving a car game that isnt too realistic aka the jumps and the barrel rolls and the shere unkillabity of the cars that can smash through everything in its way including other cars.

Ok lets stalk about the tracks which are varied enough not to be repetitive which is good even inside the different races they are still different stretches in each in environment which is tbh a simple yet elegant solution. To get the nitrus boost i suggest you aim for the jumps and the n2o bottles that are left on the track which can be blue or gold the gold ones are worth double the length of nitrus. what i mean by the jumps i surgest that you use them and give it a double tap to spin so you get more boost dont do this on the angled jumps because the barrel roll.

Now lets talk about the cars themselves. The game does give you options to get more of them with different races and they give you random cards every 4h if you are on which for the casual gamer is easier the fuel thing is a real money grab i bet because you always have a favorite car which you can only can use 6 times and when you are like myself who plays alot but then there is the old classic of watching adverts as per usual.

For a car game and in real life im not really fussed with them but since i have been playing i have liked them more i know thats not reviewy but hey i hoped you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
