Level up

Hello ladies and gents this is Level up where we talk about the world of console gaming I have been thinking today of what we expect in the next gen of gaming consoles so....

5 things we expect from the next gen consoles

1. More than 60 FPS:

When I thought of this post today I started doing some research as I usually do and many people still believe in the myth that the human eye cant detect more than 30 well that's a lie. From what I gather its closer to 120 but that depends on who you are talking to. In many cases if 60 is thhe standard the immersion of the game will increase many times over. In some ways it will get rid of the buggyness in some games like destiny the first one it got to 12 at some points and it was highly noticible.

2.Longer remote battery:

Pretty self explanatory with this one I don't want to have a cable on my remotes we went past this a few gens ago but what would it kill to have a bigger battery just to push it to 8 to 12h not 6 and that's only new If its getting old that shrinks from 6 to a measly 2 hours . I don't know about you but when I game I don't use it for only 2 hours. I hope they really push this hard because its what us gamers want at the end of the day.

3.We don't want all digital download

What I mean by this is 3 fold. First not all the world has great wifi I know this sounds impossible but its true. Second shops that rely on them to survive the little shops before we had GAME there was only these shops I know that's a little nostalgic but hey its the truth and Finally we have the companies that actually make the games whats going to happen to those companies. In many ways its a right of passage to go with your friends to the local game shop and buy the next game you have been waiting for.

4. A standard memory in the Tbs

Because with games getting larger and larger we NEEEED more space people moost games are in the 40 to 110gb range and its kinda getting on my nerves when I have to remove one game to put another in its sad for me because as one of the few people who have both consoles soon all 3 when the switch becomes more noteworthy I find it frustrating that I need realistically 2 of each just to keep every save.

5.Games Games.

What I mean by this and to me this is the most important I want games to do 4 things which are
Be realesed whe you said you was going too be aka a certain game that uses physics to destroy stuff.
To not have to rely on the Internet all the time.
To not have lootboxes
Don't have a pay to win gameplay.

I hoped you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking. 
