New Series: Weapons of war

Hello WeaponSmiths and pointy object afficionardos today we are starting a new series about weapons from history this week we are talking about the.


What it is

Gladius  was one Latin word for sword, and is used to represent the primary sword of Ancient Roman foot soldiers. Early ancient Roman swords were similar to those of the Greeks, called xiphos. From the 3rd century BC, however, the Romans adopted swords similar to those used by the Celtiberians and others during the early part of the conquest of Hispania. This sword was known as the gladius hispaniensis, or "Hispanic sword".

A fully equipped Roman legionary after the reforms of Gaius Marius was armed with a shield (scutum), one or two javelins (pila), a sword (gladius), often a dagger (pugio), and, perhaps in the later empire period, darts (plumbatae). Conventionally, soldiers threw pilae to disable the enemy's shields and disrupt enemy formations before engaging in close combat, for which they drew the gladius. A soldier generally led with the shield and thrust with the sword. All gladius types appear to have been suitable for cutting and chopping as well as thrusting.

The story

As our hero looks across the river smiling as he sees the enemy hiding amongst the trees he turns around double checking his Gladius in its scabbard. He has been marching alot that day with all of his gear but he could lose it all but survive with his Gladius. At that moment 3 of the enemy soldiers spot him and charge him with axes and rawhide shields our hero turns and throws his spear at the first and hits him right in the chest pining him to the ground the man makes a final grunt and was no more.

The second soldier by far the biggest at least 7 foot tall wielding a axe that was still dripping blood who swung it will all his might getting caught in the tree ajasiant to our hero who slides through the man giants legs and cuts through his tendons with a backwould slash. The 3rd enemy who drops his axe and pulls out a sword similar to Gladius as he says I took this from the Roman i slayed and when i slay you i will have its twin.

He charged fowards his sword beared and clang the swords banged against eachother and they locked eyes holding eachothers gaze as the enemy pulls a small dagger and hits our heros belt which saved his life our hero pushed with the force of Hercules and run his last enemy through killing him with the blow that he will be feeling for the rest of the day....

I hoped you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking. 
