A ONE off.

Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we have a one off we had the honour and privilege of sitting in on a discussion on social media and digital identity the views are what the speaker said we hope you like and enjoy it.


Ok lets begin according to the speaker men use social media for Entertainment and for Professional Visibility and women use it for Personal life and their feelings. Men according to the speaker spend 7 minutes and Women spend 10 minutes. Another thing the speaker said that men are pushed towards being healthy to play sport and they have alot of problems with over expression but i think thats for both sexes anyway fro women its all about their rolls inside their own pack of friends.

What you have to remember when you are online is that its all saved. Including. Your private stuff your personal data, your intamacy, interests, habits, expression and your character. She continued to say that the Tv shows that we watch defines US and shapes our selfs our history our episodes of self our audience even down to our way of thinking.


We all use social media to socialize obviously and to show our best image of ourselves in life
From what the speaker said women care less about provacy and men only care about sports their plans games and work apprently. According to the data provided more than 75 % of women are experimenting with social media. When you are about to post something online think who will see it will your boss see it will your family see it and how will it affect your life.

Last year Harvard saw that a group of its preaccepted students were extremely rascist so theyy took them off the list. A woman on twitter moaned about her new job so she was fired before she even started her first day etc. Lets talk about Big Data in short it sees everything you do online every search every llike every video. Like with everything there is ba apples your trollers your ghosters and the like they bring down our community that we build together.

to end with a positive note i want you to know this which is what to look after online Participate learn security your importance and most importantly your creativity.

You can like yourself
You can project the image of yourself
You can reinvent yourself
You are all that we do say and think.
Now get off your butt and DONT SAY IT DOIT!

We hope you had this post and as always have a chilled day form the viking. 
