Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are going to talk about

How to Have Creative Ideas

Image result for lightbulb idea
Creativity is essential not only for artists, writers, musicians, etc., but also for business people, students, and many others. Cultivating your creative powers takes time and effort, but can also be lots of fun. Keep an open and an inquisitive mind, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a creative genius!

1.Developing Habits to Foster Creativity

  • Reading lots of books
  • Keeping up with world news
  • Subscribing to one or more magazines on topics that interest you
  • Watching a documentary film on a topic you are unfamiliar with
  • Visiting a museum

2.Have a place to record your ideas. You will need to be ready to write or sketch out an idea the moment inspiration strikes. For this reason, make sure to always have a sketchbook or notepad with you at all times.

3.Let yourself be bored. In the modern world, it is very easy to be distracted by television, smartphones, social media, and a million other things. However, in order to think creatively, it is very important to sometimes be bored. Being bored causes your brain to work in new ways, as it seeks stimulation. This leads to fresh ideas.
  • Give yourself a "device free" hour each day, or day per week
  • Set aside some time each week in which you don't have anything scheduled
  • When you start to feel bored, such as when waiting for a subway, resist the urge to check a smartphone or other distraction. Instead, observe the world around you.
4. Play. Activating your sense of fun can lift your mood, stimulate different parts of your brain, and boost your creativity. For example, try playing:
  • With children’s toys, such as blocks
  • A favorite board or card game
  • Charades
  • Scrabble
5.Get moving. Simply changing your position or location can boost your creativity by giving you new surroundings, fresh sights, and stimulation. For example:
  • If you are inside, try going outside. If you are outside, try going inside.
  • If you are working in a big room, move to a small room. If you are working in a small room, move to a big room.
  • Visit a museum, go for a walk, go bowling, or find some other location you enjoy.
  • If you are sitting, try lying on your back on the floor.
6.Seek out new experiences. Creative people are interested in new sights, sounds, places, etc. Getting out of your comfort zone is an easy way to get a fresh perspective, and go back to the problem or project you are working on with a renewed sense of vigor.
  • Have lunch at a new restaurant, or try a kind of food you’ve never had before.
  • Talk a walk in an area you’ve never visited.
  • Watch a film in a language you can’t understand.
  • Read a book on a topic you know nothing about.
7. Pick up a new skill. One characteristic of creative people is that they are always learning. Getting new skills, especially in an area separate from the one you are working in, will broaden your mindset and give you new ways of thinking through ideas.
  • Learn how to play a musical instrument
  • Practice a foreign language
  • Try cooking a new cuisine
  • Take up a new hobby, such as knitting, woodworking, or painting
  • Learn how to play a sport or game you’ve never tried before
8.Talk to other people and learn about what they do. Learning about others and their ways of seeing things is a great way to enrich your own ways of seeing the world your creative thinking. Make time to talk to lots of different kinds of people, ask them questions about their work and ideas, or just chat.
  • Have lunch with a coworker you haven’t had the chance to really talk with before. Ask him or her about the work he or she does.
  • Strike up a conversation with a stranger on the bus, train, plane, etc.
9.Have imaginary conversations. Your own imagination can also be a great way of gaining new experiences. Pretend that you are talking to someone you find fascinating or a role model, such as a famous or influential person from history. Close your eyes, and discuss with this person whatever topic comes to mind.

10.Have an open mind. Being creative requires you to suspend judgment and take risks. If you start judging ideas before you even get started, you will crush your creative spirit. Let your ideas flow, and only worry about editing them once you get them out.

When i researched this it really made alot of sense to me i hope you try this out and as always have a chilled day from the viking.
