WHAT happened today in history

Hello ladies and gents this is the viking telling you that today we are going to talk about what happened today in history.

1902 A cartoon appears in the Washington Star, prompting the Teddy Bear Craze, after President Teddy Roosevelt refused to kill a captive bear tied up for him to shoot during a hunting trip to Mississippi.

Image result for 1902 A cartoon appears in the Washington Star, prompting the Teddy Bear Craze

1945 Eighty-eight German scientists, holding Nazi secrets, arrive in the United States.

See the source image

1960 After the integration of two all-white schools, 2,000 whites riot in the streets of New Orleans.

Image result for 1960 After the integration of two all-white schools, 2,000 whites riot in the streets of New Orleans.

1982 The space shuttle Columbia completes its first operational flight.

Image result for 1982 The space shuttle Columbia completes its first operational flight.

1992 Eric Lawes, while using a metal detector to search for a friend's lost hammer near Hoxne, Suffolk, England, discovers the Hoxne Hoard, the largest hoard of Roman silver and gold ever found in Britain, and the largest collection of 4th and 5th century coins found anywhere within the bounds of the former Roman Empire

Reconstruction of the oak chest

We hoped you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the viking
